Monday, June 25, 2007

Grandma & Grandpa in Florida!

I went to Grandma & Grandpa's house in Florida for a week. It was great!

Playing at the beach.

At the beach with Grandma.
At the park with Grandpa.
Blowing bubbles.
Catching bubbles.

I miss & love you, Grandma & Grandpa!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Splash Pad

Today I went to the splash pad with my friend Alex and then Skylar came to the park with us. I also saw my friend Elissa but Mommy didn't get a picture with her in it.

I was so happy to see Alex.

I have Alex's apple!
I am eating Alex's apple but he doesn't look too happy about that.
I want my apple back, Ivy!
Hey, he took it back! I wanted that apple!
Alex shared his apple with me.
It was good but his fingers were in the way.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Northtown Mall

Today we were supposed to go to the park but we got rained out! I was a bit upset that I couldn't play outside but then Mom told me Grace, Skylar and Alex would be there and I was so excited!

Ivy, Alex and Skylar throwing pennies into the fountain.
Grace, Lily, Alex, Ivy and Skylar looking at the puppies through the glass. Can we have one, Mom?

Alex, Ivy and Lily in the bowl of Shredded Wheat squares with blueberries and milk. Behind us are bacon slices and banana slices.


Friday, June 01, 2007

At the Park!

I went to the park today with Mommy and Daddy. It was HOT! I scaled rock walls, slid down slides and looked at the pretty flowers.

Naming the animals on the blocks.

Climbing the rock wall.
Yeah! I made it to the top!

Who is that funny looking kid?

Taking a break!
